Trance Dance January 23

Trance Dance January 23

Trance Dance January 23

Edit: This event has already taken place.You can listen here to the music that was used for this session: Trancedans Muziek

On January 23, we would like to invite you to strengthen your intentions for 2023 while dancing during a Trance Dance session at vzw Dwarsligger in Melle. This session is the first in a series of monthly sessions and promises to be a beautiful co-creation of Rita and Wouter, who both followed the Trance Dance Facilitator Training by Aernoudt Knecht in Germany.

Are you new to Trance Dance? Then you can find out more on our Trance Dance page.

You can reserve your spot on the website of vzw Dwarsligger. Places are limited, so make sure to register in time. Are you unable to join this time, but want to stay informed of upcominh sessions, then subscribe to our Harmonics newsletter.

Feel free to contact Wouter if you have any questions.

blindfolded dancer, by Midjourney

blindfolded dancer, by Midjourney


  • welcome from 6:30pm
  • opening circle by Rita at 7pm
  • next we start the trance dance, which takes 1 to 1,5 hour and is concluded with an integration moment
  • closing circle
  • we finish the latest by 10pm

Bring your own

  • blindfold, best is dark, multi-layered fabric
  • (yoga) cushion to sit (during the opening and closing circle)
  • a blanket (integration moment after the dance)
  • bottle of water
  • possibly pen and paper to write down your experiences after the dance
