Let's enter the darkness, dance with our shadows ...and set them free.
What is Trance Movement™?
Trance Movement™ is a contemporary blindfolded, meditative, free dance created by Frank Natale and Wilbert Alix, inspired by shamanic traditions over 40,000 years old.
By dancing blindfolded and no longer letting visual stimuli in, you can sink into your body more easily and other sensations become stronger. While dancing we come out of our head, into our body and make an inner journey. Trance Movement™ can help to release limiting believes, and consiously bring traumas to the surface so we can start to process them.
You can start the dance with a specific intention, an insight you are willing to receive, something to process, or simply to celebrate life. There are no fixed steps, you move freely and dance your own dance from within your inner self. This allows you to release or transform conditioned thinking patterns. You are taken to where healing takes place.
The trance dance is also a healing where we use, among other things, sound healing and smudging with various herbs.
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A trance dance is a powerful experience, that invites you to return home, deep within yourself. In many contemporary forms of dance the emphasis lies on recreational and social aspects, such as watching and being watched. Trance dancing is usually not intended to communicate with the outside world, but takes place within the context of spirituality, personal growth and inner transformation. A contemporary trance dance is a powerful experience that invites you to drop your masks of limited conditioning and separation and come home deep within yourself.
Source: Aernoudt Knecht @ trance-dance.net
The dance takes place within a safely defined space, and there are several facilitators who take good care of you. No previous dance experience or knowledge is required.
A Trance Dance is a shamanic trance journey that we find in many traditional cultures across the globe:
A typical trancedance is usually an integral part of a ritual. These kind of rituals are ancient and can be found in cultures all over the world, for instance the Inuit, the Navajo en the Sioux of North America, the Siberian shamans, the Voodoo of Benin and Haïti, the Cuban Santeria, the Saami in Scandinavia, the Huichol in Mexico, the swirling Sufi Dervishes and the Yoruba in West Africa. The Umbanda in Brazil combine Roman Catholicism with religious practices from the Yoruba. They believe that a person becomes possessed with Spirit during a trancedance and can be endowed with the power to heal others. Dancers are also known to go into trance during Irish river dances, Balinese mask dances and Indian temple dances.
The music for the trance dance is carefully selected by Wouter, usually around one specific theme. A lot of attention is put into creating a profound, compelling flow with healing sounds and rhythms. A recent sound healing training, and modest DJ skills from a past life, come in handy here.
You can listen to Trance Dance set from a previous session: Trance Dance Music. Each session different music will be used, based on the theme for that specific session.