A Conscious Healing Dance from Dark into Light into Colour
Een project van SofieAFDeSmet:
Dancing — besides creating art, has always played a major role in my life since childhood. I find so much solace and joyousness in music. Not only to express myself, but because it also reveals what might be unconsciously repressed within me, but wants to be felt, released and regulated within my nervous system in order to heal my mental, physical and emotional body. When I dance, I sink back into my own essence, I feel free, freed, worthy, safe, loved. I feel my Natural Self, I feel alive. As I dance I become the dance — we are one.
If you love to dance and you crave a new experience that involves free dancing in a powerful healing place while entering the kingdom of contagious pop melodies, body shaking rhythms, deep trance, heart opening sounds and even shamanic vibes, then don't miss this unique opportunity!
Allow yourself to unleash and transcend your rawest, purest, authentic Wild Self to raise your vibration into a higher state.
Just close your eyes, follow the flow of your own unique body in the moment, experience what comes up from deep within, feel the natural ecstasy and enjoy this Conscious Healing Dance from Dark into Light into full Colour together with me.
De muziek werd geselecteerd door Sofie AF DeSmet, en ze vroeg mij om de nummers te mixen tot een geheel. Het resultaat wordt een 2 uur durende mix die je meeneemt op een reis van donker naar licht, van diep naar hoog, van binnen naar buiten, van je hoofd naar je hart, van je hart naar je ziel, van je ziel naar het universum.
Meer info over wat je mag verwachten kan je terugvinden op de website van Sofie AF DeSmet: www.sofieafdesmet.com/dance-gatherings
Ticket reservatie
The body expresses what the mind suppresses. -
~ Medicine Mami ~