Trance Dance 4 december 2023
We like to invite you for a Trance Dance session at De Ringelwikke in Ronse on Monday December 4.
Facilitators for this session are Karien 'Iztacitlal' Detavernier and Wouter Vernaillen.
The Passion Of Your Dreams
The theme for this trance dance session is "The Passion Of Your Dreams". Passion Gives Your Dreams Wings.
Something that can help us get our passion and enthusiasm back is to let our inner child out, that child in us with big dreams. We all have one. Do you remember what it was like to be a child? What things did you enjoy or think were exciting?
During this blindfolded trance dance session we invite you to let your inner child dance, so you can (re)connect with the passion of your dreams.
"We have to listen to the child we once were, the child who still exists inside us. That child understands magic moments.”
~ Paulo Coelho ~
Is Trance dance new to you? Then take a look at our Trance Dance page.
Because places are limited, we ask that you register in advance by sending a message to Wouter.
We propose an amount between 33 and 44 euros as a contribution, depending on your financial situation. You can bring the amount in cash on the evening itself or transfer it to Harmonics account number BE70 7370 3835 2025, stating your name and the date of the trance dance.
- welcome from 7pm
- we start promptly at 7:15 PM with an opening circle by Karien
- next we start the dance, which lasts about an hour and a half and ends with an integration moment
- closing circle
- we finish around 10 PM
What to bring?
- a blindfold, best with several dark layers of fabric
- a blanket (during integration moment after the dance)
- bottle of water
- possibly a pen and paper to write down your experiences after the dance
Landelijke Steinerschool De Ringelwikke Elzeelsesteenweg 647 7890 Ronse